FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is TBAL?
Taman Baca Anak Lebah (TBAL) is an initiative non-profit and non-political organization, which has a mission to grow the interest in reading in Indonesian children at an early age.
What is TBAL main focus?
Under the umbrella of Anak Lebah Literacy Indonesia Foundation (ALLIF), TBAL focusing in enhancing the children’s intelligence and character building, most of all in eastern part of Indonesia through the passion of reading books.
How many TBAL are there now and where are they located?
Established in 2009, TBAL is now present in 22 location points which is, East Lombok, Wakatobi (Wangi-wangi), Ambon, Saparua Island, Seram Island, Saumlaki/Fordata Island, Trenggalek (East Java), Tangerang (Bintaro) and Rumah Harapan (Tebet, Jakarta).
What are TBAL's activities and program?
TBAL carries three pillars: Reading is Fun, Belajar Tanpa Batas (Infinite Learning) and Semangati Guru.

TBAL activities: #Klub50, #TBALBercerita and #ReadAloud who was also accompanied by volunteer/Bee Warrior.

How to join as a volunteer?
The contribution will be based on your skills and most importantly, passion! Fill the form with your personal data (full name, email address and contact number, number of persons) at page VOLUNTEER and Let’s take actions with TBAL!
How to donate?
Send the books/supplies to:
Dropbox Taman Baca Anak Lebah
Jl. Tekukur Raya Atas No.12
Rengas, Bintaro Sektor 2
(depan lapangan bola)
Tangerang, Indonesia

Send the fund through:
Bank Mandiri—a/n Yayasan Literasi Anak Lebah Indonesia
No. Rek. 1640012200988

How to join as sponsor/partnership?
We invite corporates to collaborate with us, and include this as part of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program. We’re more than happy to discuss on how we can work together and brings a long- term commitment to the recipient and greater impact for both sides.
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