Press Release


Jakarta, 9 Juni 2016 – Dalam rangka mengisi waktu liburan sekolah anak, Mal Taman Anggrek kembali menyelenggarakan program liburan sekolah bertema Summer Camp pada tanggal 9 sampai 26 Juni 2016 di Center Atrium. Summer Camp kali ini memadukan edukasi dan hiburan interaktif yang dituangkan dalam sejumlah enrichment program menarik bersama dengan Discovery Kids.

Marcella Marlina Tjandra, Assistant General Manager Mal Taman Anggrek mengatakan, “Memasuki liburan sekolah, anak-anak bersemangat untuk mengisi waktu luangnya dengan berbagai kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Di tahun ketiga ini, Mal Taman Anggrek bersama Discovery kids, berinisiatif untuk memberikan pilihan yang berbeda dengan menghadirkan sebuah program acara yang bertema Discovery Kids Summer Camp 2016“.

“Discovery Kids dipercaya sebagai partner yang mampu menghadirkan berbagai edukasi inovatif dalam kegiatan motorik dan juga memuaskan keingintahuan anak-anak dengan cara yang menyenangkan.” tambahnya.

Program Edutainment anak ini berhasil memperoleh sambutan positif para pengunjung yang terbukti dari terisinya kelas enrichment hingga mencapai 80% dari kuota yang tersedia, sebelum periode program dimulai. Untuk berpartisipasi dalam program ini, para pengunjung dapat memperoleh Summer Camp pass secara gratis hanya dengan registrasi menggunakan kartu Absolutely Yours Card (AYC) di Redemption Counter.

Discovery Kids Summer Camp 2016 merefleksikan ide bahwa edukasi yang disinergikan dengan hiburan dapat menjadi cara yang menyenangkan untuk mengembangkan keahlian dan keterampilan anak. Guna mewujudkannya, Mal Taman Anggrek bekerja sama dengan berbagai partner terkemuka dalam menghadirkan sejumlah enrichment program menarik, seperti Cooking Class, Magic Class, Engineering for Kids, Art & Craft Class, Wall Climbing, dan lainnya. Program-program tersebut diimplementasikan ke dalam bentuk kelas harian, permainan di area playground, reading room, green house dan juga acara panggung yang dapat diikuti oleh para peserta.

Untuk melengkapi kemeriahan Discovery Kids Summer Camp 2016, Mal Taman Anggrek juga menyediakan FIELD TRIP dimana anak – anak dapat belajar langsung dalam membuat makanan khas kesukaan anak seperti pizza, roti, permen, bakmi, dan diakhir program, mereka dapat langsung membawa pulang hasil karyanya.

Selain itu, Mal Taman Anggrek berkolaborasi dengan Taman Baca Anak Lebah (TBAL), yang menghadirkan program storytelling, dalam rangka meningkatkan minat baca anak, serta melalui Taman Baca Anak Lebah, anak-anak akan diajarkan untuk ber-empati kepada sesama melalui pengumpulan buku bekas yang akan didonasikan ke Wilayah Indonesia bagian timur.

“Melalui serangkaian acara spesial pada Discovery Kids Summer Camp 2016, kami berharap agar anak-anak merasakan pengalaman “when learning has never been this fun”. Sehingga, dapat membantu anak-anak menjadi aktif dalam mengisi waktu liburan sekolahnya, dengan kegiatan yang tak hanya menyenangkan, namun juga bermanfaat untuk pengembangan potensinya. Dengan demikian, liburan sekolah dapat menjadi ajang edukasi sekaligus hiburan dengan kesenangan tanpa batas.” tutup Marcella.

Indonesia Storytelling Festival 2014: Listen to a Storytelling in a Museum

Jakarta, 2 November 2014 – Indonesia Let’s do Story Telling, Taman Baca Anak Lebah and National Museum held Indonesia Story Telling Festival 2014 at the National Museum starting at 9 o’clock in the morning until 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

This festival showed a series of book reading and storytelling activities, workshop, Yoga is telling a story, bazaar, and launching a crowd funding campaign “Semangati Guru” (Encourage Teacher), and children story book donation for children in east Indonesia.

Book reading and storytelling are the most important part and interrelated with the development of a child’s intelligence at an early age. If a child, are taught to love reading and is familiarized with storytelling about the world that is around them since childhood, he/she will have broad knowledge, high self-esteem, and positive creativity.

Unfortunately, until now, book reading and storytelling are not yet massively become an everyday part of Indonesian children’s daily life.

For that reason, Ayo Dongeng Indonesia! (Let’s Story Tell Indonesia) – a community that is initiated by Kak Aio (Mochamad Ariyo Faridh Zidni) to enliven storytelling in Indonesia – Taman Baca Anak Lebah (TBAL) non-profit initiative, non-politics that has a mission to nurture a love of reading in children at an early age in a fun way –along with Interface Brand Comunication, Idee Design, and Digital Mommie are collaborating in organizing Indonesia Storytelling Festival 2014 with a purpose to enliven the passion of book reading and to reverberate the importance of storytelling as a part of the growth and development of Indonesian Children.

On this occasion, at the same time with Taman Baca Anak Lebah’s 5th Anniversary, “Semangati Guru” (Encourage Teacher) program is launched. This Program is a campaign which is based on crowd funding are aim to encourage teacher in class so that the teaching activity runs more effectively and filled with creativities. This program is nationwide and urge the whole society to participate in donating.

Indonesia Storytelling Festival 2014 was first held last year at University of Indonesia, Depok, with visitors more than 1500 Indonesian families. This year, Indonesia Storytelling Festival is sponsored by McDonals, Mandiri e-cash, Paramita Hioe, with media partner Harian Kompas, Parenting magezines, Female Radio 97,9 FM and Women’s Health Indonesia magazine.

Indonesia Storytelling Festival 2014 is presenting:

  • Cassandra Wye (United Kingdom) – Storyteller from England who is famous for Stories in Motion, making storytelling easy to access, to break barrier and dismiss discrimination. Traveled all over the world and has experience more than 20 years, Cassandra is ready to entertain and inspire families in Indonesia with whimsical fairytale.
  • Pak Raden – A figure famous for his thick mustache and eyebrow, wearing blangkon and beskap, who is very familiar within a television show called Si Unyil.
  • Kak Aio (Ariyo Zidni) – Director of Indonesia Storytelling Festival, Head of Ayo Dongeng Community who is actively doing storytelling to spread the good storytelling virus. Diligently held storytelling workshop and has been doing storytelling in all region of Indonesia even to Malaysia, Singapore and India.
  • Alya Rohali – Starting her carrier through None Jakarta competition and then as the winner of Puteri Indonesia in 1996. Although she has a big name in entertainment world, the mother of Namira, Diarra, and Savannah, cares a lot about child education and believe importance of reading books and storytelling in developing a child’s intelligence.
  • Paman Gery (Uncle Gery) – Started his journey in storytelling in 1988, from a teaching activities for a non-formal school which was manage by the Faculty of Economy senate of Indonesia University, for underprivileged children around the Salemba campus area. His first interest in children and education through storytelling method. Since 2004 until now, routinely does storytelling in FeMale radio as Uncle Gery.
  • Rona Mentari, Kak Resha, Kak Arnel, Kak Dwi Kanfas and Nusantara Bertutur
  • Puppet Show with Winnie & Winna
  • Music Performance from Neighbor of Pak Gesang and Aman Percussion
  • Talkshow “Ajaibnya Mendongeng dengan Buku” (The Magic of Storytelling with Book) – with Speaker: Roosie Setiawan – Komunitas Reading Bugs Indonesia dan Eyang yang rajin membacakan cerita | Devi Raissa – Psikolog, Penulis Buku Anak dan Relawan Dongeng | Elvera N.Makki – Founder of Taman Baca Anak Lebah, parents of 3 children and PR practitioner | Moderator: Aar Sumardiono – Homeschooling practitioner and Education from Rumah Inspirasi practitioner and a writer.
  • Workshop “Bringing Story Alive” with Cassandra Wye
  • Workshop “Step by Step Crazy Storytelling” with Kak Aio (Ariyo Zidni)
  • Story Yoga with Paramitha Hioe
  • Taman Baca Anak Lebah – Where children read books freely and do coloring. Has Shop Awareness to entice the community to shop while donating. The funds collected will channeled for story book donation and children libraries establishment in East Indonesia.
  • Tour on National Museum
  • Bazaar

Indonesia Storytelling Festival 2014 together with Parenting Magazine, Female Radio 97,9 FM and Woman Health Indonesia support events that has a purpose to enliven the love of reading books and reverberate the importance of storytelling as part of growth and development of Indonesian children.

For more information, please contact:

Taman Baca Anak Lebah
Email: or
Twitter: @lebahbooks
Facebook: Taman Bacaan Anak Lebah

Ayo Dongeng Indonesia
Twitter: @ayodongeng_ind

The Spirit of Red And White: Color your dream with Taman Baca Anak Lebah

Jakarta, 21 August 2014 – In the month of August, in the spirit of celebrating Indonesia Independence Day, Taman Baca Anak Lebah organize an event ‘The Spirit of Red and White: Color your dream with Taman Baca Anak Lebah’ which is plan to be held on 30 August 2014, at F3 FX Sudirman Jakarta, starting at 11.00 – 14.00 WIB. This event will invite children of Bina Umat foster home and is holding drawing and coloring competition, storytelling by Poetri Soehendro, and also donations in form of children books and cash. These donation will be distributed for children in eastern part of Indonesia.

Color you dream (#WarnaiMimpimu) becomes the theme with a purpose to entice Indonesian children to live-up their dream through imagination and creativity, because the Taman Baca Anak Lebah realize that imagination and creativity plays an important part in creating a generation with great qualities. Imagination becomes the basic in creating ideas of life and creativity becomes one of the means in embodying that ideas.

Not only focusing on imagination and creativity, the Taman Baca Anak Lebah, on its event this time also asks the community to also care about the children’s interest in reading. From UNESCO’s data of 2011, stated that the reading interest index in Indonesia is only 0,001. Which means, from one thousand (1000) population, only one person has interest in reading. Meanwhile, based on a data reported by Economy Collaboration Development Organization (ECDO) in 2009, reading culture of Indonesian society placed the lowest from 52 countries in East Asia region. In 2006, Central Bureau shows that Indonesian society have not make reading activities as the main source for information. The people prefer watching TV (85,9%), listening to the radio (40,3%) to reading the newspaper (23,5%).

We’ve done Various events so that the society becomes aware of the importance of reading books, therefore in the future Indonesia has a generation with adequate intelligence in facing the challenges forward. In that spirit, #WarnaiMimpimu also receive children books donation which will be channeled to eighteen (18) TBAL points in Lombok, Wakatobi, and Maluku (Ambon, Pulau Saparua, Pulau Seram dan Pulau Fordata) where the access of children reading book that is suitable for their age is very limited in that region.

All the books that have been collected will go through selection process before shipment. The children’s book criteria are colorful, books with pictures, doesn’t have too many lettering and contain positive messages visually as well as in writing.

This goes hand in hand with the principal of Taman Baca Anak Lebah that reading is fun. ”If the content of the book that is being donated is too heavy for the kids, we are afraid that our mission in alluring the reading interest of the kids will be hampered.” Said Elvera N.Makki, founder of Taman Baca Anak Lebah.

For those who want to donate books or cash, other than on the event of #WarnaiMimpimu, can be sent to TBAL office. Cash donation will be used to buy children story books and to support TBAL activities in East Indonesia. Complete information regarding participation can be seen at our website: and facebook Taman Bacaan Anak Lebah.

NgaBUKUrit: Reading books in-between waiting for breakfasting time | Collecting books donation in-between waiting for breakfasting time | Collecting books donation in the Holy Month of Ramadhan

Jakarta, 14 July 2014 – In the holy month of Ramadhan 1435H, Taman Baca Anak Lebah introduce the NgaBukurit program – Reading books in-between waiting for breakfasting time | Collecting books donation in-between waiting for breakfasting time.

The program that is initiated to begin this year is intended to urge Indonesian to utilize their spare time during fasting with book reading and donating children books for children of eastern Indonesia who still in needs of good quality books.

UNESCO’s data of 2011 stated that reading interest index in Indonesia is only 0,001. Which means, from one thousand (1000) population, only one person has interest in reading. Meanwhile, based on a data reported by Economy Collaboration Development Organization (ECDO) in 2009, reading culture of Indonesian society placed the lowest from 52 countries in East Asia region. In 2006, Central Bureau shows that Indonesian society have not make reading activities as the main source for information. The people prefer watching TV (85,9%), listening to the radio (40,3%) to reading the newspaper (23,5%).

“With those facts and data, Bee Children Reading Garden continuously spread the spirit to read and urge Indonesian society to always be concern about having interest toward reading books. NgaBUKUrit program invite people to donate children story book to eighteen (18) BCRG’s location points in East Lombok, Wakatobi, Ambon, Saparua Island, Saumlaki/Fordata Island and Seram; where access to children books that is age appropriate are very limited in that region.” Said Elvera N.Makki, founder of BCRG.

Established since 2009, the mission of Taman Baca Anak Lebah is to entice the children’s interest in reading since an early age, so book reading activity becomes part of a lifestyle that could educate the children of Indonesia. “Reading as a habit and doing it in a fun way that start from an early age gives a lot of benefits for child’s growth and development, at present as well in the future.

Book broaden a child’s insight, nurture creativity and curiosity. When done consistently, a child who likes to read books will have better aptitude, has more systematic way of thinking and communicating, and high self-confidence.“ adds Elvera.

The books that’s been collected for donation will be sort out before shipment. The donation criteria for children story book are colorful, has many picture, not a lot of lettering and contain positive messages visually as well as in writing. This goes hand in hand with the principal of Taman Baca Anak Lebah that reading is fun. ”If the content of the book that is being donated is too heavy for the kids, we are afraid that our mission in alluring the reading interest of the kids will be hampered.” For those who would like to donate books, can be delivered to TBAL office; and donation in cash will be used to buy children story books and support TBAL’s continuous activity in East Indonesia. For complete information regarding participation can be seen on our web and facebook Taman Bacaan Anak Lebah.

NgaBUKURit – Book Donation
Jl. Tekukur Raya Atas No.12
Rengas, Bintaro Sektor 2
(depan lapangan bola)
Tangerang, Indonesia

NgaBUKUrit – Fund Donation
Bank Mandiri
a/n Yayasan Literasi Anak Lebah Indonesia
No. Rek. 1640012200988
Swift code: BMRIIDJA

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