Andrean A. Irawan

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Andrean A. Irawan

“Seeing the enthusiasm of the children in Eastern Indonesia (especially eastern part of Lombok, Ambon, Seram Island and Saparua Island) toward book is very touching. It was an image I will never forget. Each region has its own diverse characteristic; children in Lombok tend to be shy as for children in Maluku are braver and more responsive. Gathering and distributing all the books to children in need, is truly an inspiring activities. Social activities like these that completes our life as a human being. Success & Go Forward TBAL!”

Andrean A. Irawan, TBAL Operational Manager

Taman Baca Anak Lebah

Andrean A. Irawan, TBAL Operational Manager

“Seeing the enthusiasm of the children in Eastern Indonesia (especially eastern part of Lombok, Ambon, Seram Island and Saparua Island) toward book is very touching. It was an image I will never forget. Each region has its own diverse characteristic; children in Lombok tend to be shy as for children in Maluku are braver and more responsive. Gathering and distributing all the books to children in need, is truly an inspiring activities. Social activities like these that completes our life as a human being. Success & Go Forward TBAL!”
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